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Definition of: temple

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(tempəl) noun
1. A stately edifice consecrated to one or more deities and forming a seat of their worship.
2. An edifice dedicated to public worship; especially, in the United States, a Reform synagog.
3. In France, a Protestant church.
4. Figuratively, any place considered as occupied by God; specifically, a sanctified human body.
5. A building erected and dedicated for the administration of Mormon ordinances; a Mormon church.
—the Temple

1. Either of two medieval establishments in London and Paris, once occupied by the Knights Templar. In London, since 1185, the district lying between Fleet Street and the Thames river, the site of the Inner and Middle Temple. See INNS OF COURT.
2. Any of three successive sacred edifices built in Jerusalem for the worship of Jehovah. [OE tempel <L templum temple]
templeTEMPLE OF HORUS, EDFU, BEGUN 237 B.C. Greco–Egyptian style.

Definition of: temple

(tempəl) noun
The region on each side of the head above the cheek bone. [<OF <L tempora, plural of tempus temple]

Definition of: temple

(tempəl) noun
An attachment to a loom that serves to keep the last woven part of the fabric stretched and to prevent chafing of the warp. [<F <L templum a small timber]

Definition of: Temple

(tempəl), Sir William,
1628–99, English statesman, diplomat, and writer.

1881–1944, English prelate; archbishop of Canterbury 1942–44.

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Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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