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Definition of: wolf
Our photo definition of wolf 
(wlf) noun plural wolves (w
1. Any of a genus (Canis) of large carnivorous mammals related to the dog, especially the common European species (C. lupus) or the timber wolf of North America. ♦ Collateral adjective: lupine.
2. Any ravenous, cruel, or rapacious person or thing; hence, popularly, a philanderer.
3. Entomol. The destructive larva of various beetles and moths.
4. The harsh, dissonant sound of certain chords on a keyed instrument, as an organ or piano, when tuned by a system of unequal temperament; in bowed instruments, a harsh, discordant sound caused by defective vibration of one or more notes of a scale.
—to cry wolf To give a false alarm.
—to keep the wolf from the door To avert want or starvation.
—v.t. To devour ravenously; gulp down: He wolfed his food. [OE wulf]
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