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Definition of: bow

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(bou) noun
1. The forward part of a vessel; also, the front part of an airship.
2. The forward oarsman of a boat. ◆ Homophone: bough. [<Dan. bov bow of a ship. Akin to BOUGH.]

Definition of: bow

(bou) v. bowed, bow·ing v. t.
1. To bend (the head, knee, etc.), as in reverence, courtesy, or assent.
2. To express with bows: to bow agreement.
3. To escort with bows: He bowed us into the room.
4. To cause to yield; coerce: He bowed her to his will.
5. To weigh down; cause to stoop: Fatigue bowed his head.

6. To bend the head, knee, etc., as in reverence, courtesy, or assent.
7. To express thanks, greeting, agreement, etc., by bowing.
8. To bend or incline downward: The waves bowed over and broke.
9. To submit; yield.
—to bow out
To withdraw; resign.
noun An inclination of the body or head forward and downward, as in salutation or worship.
◆ Homophone: bough. [OE bugan bow, bend, flee]

Definition of: bow

(bō) noun
1. A bend or curve, or something bent or curved.
2. A rainbow.
3. A weapon made from a strip of elastic wood or other pliable material, bent by a cord and projecting an arrow by its recoil when suddenly released; also, an archer.
4. Music A rod having parallel hairs strained between raised ends, used with a violin or other stringed instrument by drawing across the strings; also, the movement or mode of moving this.
5. A knot with a loop or loops, as of ribbon, etc.
6. Any one of various bow-shaped objects.
7. A U-shaped wooden piece passing upward through a yoke and retained by pins; oxbow.
8. Geom. A polygonal or curved projection from a straight line or wall on the ground plane.
9. Either of the rims of a pair of spectacles or one of the curved supports passing over the ears.
adjective Bent; curved; bowed.
v.t. & v.i. bow·ed, bow·ing

1. To bend into the shape of a bow.
2. Music To play (a stringed instrument) with a bow. ◆ Homophone: beau. [OE boga]

Most often used phrases:

bow tie
bow wow
bow river
clara bow
bow street
broken bow
bow section
medicine bow
bow ties
starboard bow
port bow
bow valley
bow out of
silver bow
bow makers

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Statistical data

"bow" has the frequency of use of 0.0017% on city-data.com forum

"bow" has the frequency of use of 0.0014% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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