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Definition of: compound

(kompound) noun
1. A combination of two or more elements, ingredients, or parts.
2. A compound engine.
3. A compound word.
4. Chem. A definite substance resulting from the combination of specific elements or radicals in fixed proportions: distinguished from mixture.
v. (kom·pound, kəm-) v.t.

1. To make by the combination of various elements or ingredients.
2. To mix elements or parts to form a compound substance; combine: to compound drugs.
3. To compromise; settle for less than the sum due: to compound a debt.
4. To cover up or condone (a crime) for a consideration: to compound a felony.
5. To compute, as interest, by geometric progression.
6. Electr. To place duplex windings on the field magnets of (a dynamo), one serving as a shunt and the other being in series with the main circuit, making the machine self–regulating.
7. Obs. To compose; form.

8. To come to terms; take a compromise settlement.
adjective (kompound, kom·pound) Composed of, or produced by the union of, two or more elements, ingredients, or parts; composite. See synonyms under COMPLEX.
[<OF compondre <L componere. See COMPOSITE.]

Definition of: compound

(kompound) noun
In the Orient, the walled or fenced enclosure of a residence, cantonment, or factory; also, any similar enclosed place. [<Malay kampong]

Most often used phrases:

chemical compound
organic compound
inorganic compound
compound wall
temple compound
compound leaves
parent compound
compound found
related compound
compound called
ionic compound
compound steam engine
compound also
compound nouns
compound bow

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Statistical data

"compound" has the frequency of use of 0.0006% on city-data.com forum

"compound" has the frequency of use of 0.0017% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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