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Definition of: defile

(di·fīl) v.t. ·filed, ·fil·ing
1. To make foul or dirty; pollute.
2. To tarnish or sully the brightness of; corrupt the purity of.
3. To sully; profane (a name, reputation, etc.).
4. To render ceremonially unclean.
5. To corrupt the chastity of. [<OF defouler <de- down (<L de-) + fouler trample; infl. in form by ME filen soil, OE fӯlan <fūl foul]
Synonyms: befoul, contaminate, corrupt, infect, pollute, soil, spoil, stain, sully, taint, tarnish, vitiate. The hand may be defiled by a touch of pitch; swine that have been wallowing in the mud are befouled. Contaminate and infect refer to something evil that deeply pervades and permeates, as the human body or mind. Pollute is used chiefly of liquids; as, water polluted with sewage. Tainted meat is repulsive; infected meat contains germs of disease. A soiled garment may be cleansed by washing; a spoiled garment is beyond cleansing or repair. Bright metal is tarnished by exposure; a fair sheet is sullied by a dirty hand. We speak of a vitiated taste or style; fraud vitiates a title or a contract. See ABUSE, CORRUPT, POLLUTE, VIOLATE. Antonyms: clean, cleanse, disinfect, hallow, purify, sanctify.

Definition of: defile

(di·fīl, dēfīl) v.i. ·filed, ·fil·ing
To march in a line or by files; file off.

1. A long narrow pass; a gorge between mountains.
2. A marching in file. [<MF défiler <dé- down (<L de-) + file FILE1 (def. 3)]

Most often used phrases:

narrow defile
olt defile
tom defile
defile geography
lord defile
mountain defile
doggo defile
defile reassessed
uxian defile
hanna defile
heitan defile
deface defile
rocky defile
second defile
defile assessed

'defile' used in domains:


Statistical data

"defile" has the frequency of use of 0.0001% on city-data.com forum

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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