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Definition of: diptych

(diptik) noun
1. A double tablet; especially, two tablets of wood, metal, or ivory, hinged together and covered on the inside with wax, on which the ancient Greeks and Romans wrote with a stylus.
2. A cover for a book, resembling this.
3. A double picture or design on a pair of hinged tablets or panels. [<LL diptycha <Gk., pair of tablets; orig. neut. plural of diptychos folded <di- twice + ptyssein fold]

Most often used phrases:

wilton diptych
consular diptych
melun diptych
marilyn diptych
netherlandish diptych
ivory diptych
muse diptych
grenville diptych
imperial diptych
symmachi nicomachi diptych
lost diptych
crucifixion diptych
diptych shows
portrait diptych
diptych c

'diptych' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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