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Definition of: book

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(boobrevek) noun
1. A number of sheets of paper bound or stitched together; especially, a printed and bound volume.
2. A literary composition or treatise of some length.
3. Any one of the writings of which the Bible is made up.
4. A subdivision of a literary composition or treatise.
5. A list of horses entered in a race, with the odds laid for and against them.
6. A booklike pack of gold leaf.
7. The words of a play or opera; a libretto: The music of the new opera is good, but the book is poor.
8. In whist and similar games, six tricks taken by one side; in other games, all the cards of one set.
9. A business record or register, as a ledger, etc.: often in the plural: The books show a steady loss.
10. A volume prepared for written entries.
11. Anything considered as a record or a setting forth of truth: the book of nature.
12. A bundle of tobacco leaves cut in half longitudinally and without the stems.
—by the book
According to rule; unoriginal; also, literal.
—like a book
Thoroughly: He knows the town like a book.
—the book
The telephone directory.
—the Book
The Bible.
—by the book
According to the correct form; in the usual manner.
—to throw the book at

1. To sentence a lawbreaker to the maximum penalties for all charges against him.
2. To punish or reprimand severely.

1. To enter or list in a book.
2. To arrange for beforehand, as accommodations or seats.
3. To engage, as actors or a play, for performance.
4. To make a record of charges against (someone) on a police blotter. [<OE bōc]

Most often used phrases:

first book
children s book
book award
book cover
second book
book written
book published
book series
national book
new book
book called
guinness book
book entitled
book also
third book

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"book" has the frequency of use of 0.023% on city-data.com forum

"book" has the frequency of use of 0.0374% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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