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Definition of: distemper

(dis·tempər) noun
1. Any of several, infectious diseases of animals, especially a catarrhal affection of puppies associated with a filtrable virus.
2. An improper or disordered temper; ill humor.
3. Political or civil disturbance; riot; disorder. [<v.]

1. To disturb or derange the faculties or functions of; disorder.
2. To ruffle; disturb. [<Med. L distemperare <dis- away + temperare regulate, mix]

Definition of: distemper

(dis·tempər) noun
1. A pigment mixed with a vehicle (as yolk of eggs or glue) soluble in water, used chiefly for mural decoration and scene painting.
2. The art or process of painting with such materials, or a painting executed in them.

1. To mix, as colors, for distemper painting.
2. To color or paint with distemper.
adjective Of or pertaining to internal decoration done with distemper.
[<OF destemprer <Med. L distemperare <dis- apart + temperare mix, mingle, soak]

Most often used phrases:

canine distemper
distemper virus
phocine distemper
feline distemper
distemper canine
blain distemper
distemper painting
equine distemper
new distemper
disturbing distemper
distemper records
throat distemper
slow distemper
distemper vaccine
mink distemper

'distemper' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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