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Definition of: humor
(hy′mər, y
′-) noun
1. Disposition of mind or feeling; caprice; freak; whim.
2. A facetious turn of thought; playful fancy; jocularity; drollery.
3. The capacity to perceive, appreciate, or express what is funny, amusing, incongruous, ludicrous, etc.; also, the capacity to make something seem funny, amusing, ludicrous, etc.; specifically in literature, the expression of this in speech or action.
4. Moisture; specifically, an animal fluid: the serous humor. In medieval times, the humors, consisting of blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile, were supposed to give rise to the sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric, and melancholic temperaments, respectively.
5. Pathol. Any chronic cutaneous eruption supposed to be due to disorder of the blood. See synonyms under FANCY, TEMPER, WHIM, WIT.
—out of humor Irritated; annoyed.
1. To comply with the moods or caprices of.
2. To accommodate or adapt oneself to. See synonyms under INDULGE. Also Brit. hu′·mour. [<OF <L umor <umere be moist]
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