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Definition of: Dvina

1. A river in northern European Russian S.F.S.R., flowing 455 miles NW to Dvina Bay (also Archangel Bay), an inlet of the White Sea; also Northern Dvina.
2. A river in west European U.S.S.R. and Latvia, flowing 633 miles SW to the Gulf of Riga: German Dü·va (düvä): also Western Dvina.

Most often used phrases:

Dvina bay
Dvina river
river Dvina
zapadnaya Dvina
Dvina nato
lower Dvina
Dvina theatre
Dvina guideline
north Dvina
Dvina vitebsk
guideline Dvina
soviet Dvina
daugava Dvina
Dvina trade
Dvina land

'Dvina' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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