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Definition of: extract
(ik·strakt′) v.t.
1. To draw or pull out by force: to extract a tooth.
2. To obtain from a substance by pressing, treatment with chemicals, etc.
3. To draw out or obtain as if by such process; derive, as instruction or pleasure.
4. To copy out; select for quotation.
5. Math. To calculate (the root of a number). See synonyms under QUOTE.
—noun (eks′trakt)
1. Something extracted or drawn out.
2. A selection from a book; a passage quoted.
3. The portion of a plant or substance removed by solvents and used in drug preparations in solid, powdered, or liquid form. [<L extractus, pp. of extrahere <ex- out + trahere draw, pull]
—ex·tract′a·ble or ex·tract′i·ble adjective
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