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Definition of: hootenanny
(ht′n·an′ē) noun Slang
A gathering of folk singers. [Origin unknown]
hoot owl
An owl that hoots, especially the American northern barred owl (Strix varia).
Hoo·ver (h′vər), Herbert Clark,
1874–1964, president of the United States 1929–33.
—J(ohn) Edgar,
1895–1972, U.S. criminologist; director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation 1924–1972.
Hoover Dam
A dam in the Colorado River on the Arizona–Nevada border, forming Lake Mead; 727 feet high; 1,282 feet long: formerly Boulder Dam.
Hoo·ver·ville (h′vər·vil) noun
Any group of ramshackle huts, usually on the outskirts of a town, in which the jobless camped during the depression of the early 1930's. [after Herbert Hoover + -ville city, town]
hooves (hvz, h
Alternative plural of HOOF.
hooy (hoi)
See HOY2.
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