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Definition of: camp

(kamp) noun
1. A group of tents or other shelters, as for soldiers or hunters, or the place so occupied; also, a single tent, cabin, etc.
2. An army encamped; hence, military life or the field of battle.
3. A chapter or lodge of various fraternal organizations.
4. A new community or town hastily gathered around the mines: so called because the people originally lived in tents.
5. A group of buildings for temporary (usually summer) habitation, built on a lake, or seashore, or in the mountains.
6. A stage of a journey.
7. A place where open–air religious or political meetings are held.
8. A body of persons who support or defend a policy, theory, or doctrine: Avarice dominates the camp of the profiteers.
9. A mass of facts or arguments arrayed in support or defense of a policy, theory, or doctrine.

1. To shelter or station, as troops, in a camp.

2. To form an encampment.
3. To live temporarily in a camp.
4. To hold stubbornly to a position: Strikers camped in front of the factory.
—to camp down
To settle down.
—to camp on the trail
of To follow closely; dog.
—to camp out
To sleep in a tent; live in the open.
[<MF <Ital. campo field <L campus level plain]

Definition of: camp

(kamp) noun
1. A comical style or quality typically perceived in banal, flamboyant, or patently artificial gestures, appearances, literary works, etc., that intentionally or unwittingly seem to parody themselves.
2. A person, thing, aspect, etc., marked by this style or quality.
adjective Of or characterized by camp, or by a ready appreciation of camp: the camp sensibility; in the camp tradition of Hollywood's gangster films.
v.i. Slang

1. To behave, dress, etc., in a theatrical or bizarre way to get attention.

2. To invest with a camp quality: to camp the play up with weird effects. [? <dial. E camp or kemp bold, impetuous fellow]

Most often used phrases:

training camp
summer camp
de camp
refugee camp
walter camp
base camp
prison camp
prisoner of war camp
pow camp
military camp
camp david
camp pendleton
army camp
camp lejeune
labor camp

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Statistical data

"camp" has the frequency of use of 0.0052% on city-data.com forum

"camp" has the frequency of use of 0.0073% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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