Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Definition of: hyper
1. Over; above; excessive: hypertension: opposed to hypo–.
2. Chem. Denoting the highest in a series of compounds: now generally replaced by per–. [<Gk. hyper- <hyper above]
In the following self–explanatory compounds, hyper– appears in sense 1:
hyperabsorption | hypermoral |
hyperaccurate | hypermotile |
hyperacoustics | hypermotility |
hyperaction | hypermystical |
hyperactive | hypernatural |
hyperacuity | hypernenrotic |
hyperacute | hypernormal |
hyperacuteness | hypernote |
hyperaltruism | hypernutrition |
hyperanarchy | hyperobtrusive |
hyperangelical | hyperorganic |
hyperbarbarous | hyperorthodox |
hyperbrutal | hyperorthodoxy |
hypercarnal | hyperpanegyric |
hypercatharsis | hyperparoxysm |
hypercathartic | hyperpathetic |
hypercivilization | hyperpatriotic |
hypercivilized | hyperpersonal |
hyperclassical | hyperpigmentation |
hyperclimax | hyperplagiarism |
hyperconcentration | hyperpolysyllabic |
hyperconfldent | hyperproduction |
hyperconformist | hyperprophetical |
hyperconscientious | hyperpure |
hyperconscious | hyperpurist |
hyperconservatism | hyperrational |
hyperconstitutional | hyperreactive |
hyperdelicacy | hyperrealize |
hyperdelicate | hyperresonance |
hyperdemocratic | hyperresonant |
hyperdiabolical | hyperreverential |
hyperdistention | hyperridiculous |
hyper–Dorian | hyperritualism |
hyperelegant | hyper–Romantic |
hyperemphasize | hypersaintly |
hyperenthusiasm | hyperscholastic |
hyperethical | hyperscrupulosity |
hyperexaltation | hypersecretion |
hyperexcitability | hypersensitization |
hyperexcitable | hypersensual |
hyperexcitement | hypersensualism |
hyperfastidious | hypersensuous |
hypergenesis | hypersentimental |
hypergrammatical | hyperskeptical |
hyperhilarious | hypersophisticated |
hyperhypocrisy | hyperspeculative |
hyperidealistic | hyperspiritualizing |
hyperimmune | hyperstoic |
hyperimmunity | hypersubtlety |
hyperingenuity | hypersuggestibility |
hyperintellectual | hypersuperlative |
hyperintelligence | hypertechnical |
hyperlogical | hypertense |
hyperlustrous | hypertorrid |
hypermagical | hypertoxic |
hypermedication | hypertragical |
hypermetaphorical | hypertragically |
hypermetaphysical | hypertropical |
hypermiraculous | hypervigilant |
hypermodest | hypervitalize |
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