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Definition of: ingenuity
(in′jə·n′ə·tē, -ny
′-) noun
1. The quality of having inventive power; cleverness in contriving or originating.
2. Ingeniousness of execution or design.
3. Obs. Ingeniousness; candor. Synonyms: acuteness, cleverness, cunning, dexterity, genius, ingeniousness, invention, inventiveness, readiness, skill. Ingenuity is inferior to genius, being rather mechanical than creative, and is shown in devising expedients, overcoming difficulties, inventing appliances, adapting means to ends. Dexterity is chiefly of the hand; cleverness may be either of the hand or of the mind, but chiefly of the latter. See ADDRESS. Antonyms: awkwardness, clumsiness, dulness, stupidity, unskilfulness.
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