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Definition of: stupidity
(st·pid′ə·tē, sty
-) noun
The state, quality, or character of being stupid; great mental dulness. [<L stupiditas, -tatis <stupidus. See STUPID.] Synonyms: apathy, dulness, insensibility, obtuseness, slowness, sluggishness, stupefaction, stupor. Stupidity is sometimes loosely used for temporary dulness or partial stupor, but chiefly for innate and chronic dulness and sluggishness of mental action, obtuseness of apprehension, etc. Apathy may be temporary, and be dispelled by appeal to the feelings or by the presentation of an adequate motive, but stupidity is inveterate and often incurable. Compare APATHY, IDIOCY, STUPOR. Antonyms: acuteness, alertness, animation, brilliancy, cleverness, intelligence, keenness, quickness, readiness, sagacity, sense, sensibility.
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