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Definition of: jury

(joobreverē) noun plural ·ries
1. A body of persons (usually twelve) legally qualified and summoned to serve on a judicial tribunal, there sworn to try well and truly a cause and give a true verdict according to the evidence.
2. A committee of award in a competition.
—coroner's jury
A body of persons selected to attend a coroner's investigation and determine the causes of deaths not obviously due to natural causes.
—grand jury
A jury called to hear complaints of the commission of offenses and to ascertain whether there is prima–facie ground for a criminal accusation.
—petit jury
The jury that sits at a trial in civil and criminal cases:
also petty jury. [<AF juree an oath <Med. L jurata, orig. pp. of L jurare swear <jus, juris law]

Definition of: jury

(joobreverē) adjective Naut.
Rigged up temporarily, for relief, replacement, or emergency use: jury mast. [Prob. <OF ajurie aid <L adjutare help]

Most often used phrases:

special jury
jury prize
jury award
jury found
jury trial
jury members
jury member
jury awarded
international jury
jury selection
jury trials
hung jury
jury returned
jury duty
police jury

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Statistical data

"jury" has the frequency of use of 0.0015% on city-data.com forum

"jury" has the frequency of use of 0.0019% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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