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Definition of: relief

(ri·lēf) noun
1. The act of relieving, or the state of being relieved; removal in whole or in part of any evil, hardship, or trial; alleviation; comfort.
2. That which relieves.
3. Charitable aid, given in the form of money or food to the needy.
4. The release, as of a sentinel or guard, from his post or duty, and the substitution of some other person or persons; also, the person or persons so substituted.
5. In architecture and sculpture, the projection of a figure, ornament, etc., from a surface; also, any such figure: opposed to round. Sculptural relief is of three principal kinds: alto–relievo, bas–relief, and mezzo–relievo. Extremely low relief is called stiacciato.
6. In painting, the apparent projection of forms and masses from the plane or ground of a picture given by the arrangement of the lines, colors, or gradations of color; hence, sharpness of outline caused by contrast.
7. In feudal law, a tribute of a fee paid to the lord by the vassal–heir of a deceased tenant for the right of assuming the lapsed tenancy.
8. Geog. a The unevenness of land surface, as caused by mountains, hills, etc. b The parts of a map which portray the configuration of the district represented; contour lines.
—on relief
Receiving money, food, clothing, etc., from a local or other government because of need.
[<OF <relever. See RELIEVE.]

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"relief" has the frequency of use of 0.0031% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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