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Definition of: neutral
(n′trəl, ny
′-) adjective
1. Refraining from interference in a contest; not taking the part of either or any belligerent: a neutral power.
2. Belonging to neither of two contestants; belonging to a neutral power: neutral forces.
3. Having no decided character; indefinite; middling.
4. Having no decided color; predominantly brownish or grayish.
5. Biol. Sexless; neuter.
6. Bot. Lacking pistils or stamens.
7. Chem. Lacking decided acid or alkaline qualities.
8. Electr. Neither positive nor negative.
9. Phonet. Pronounced with the tongue in a relaxed, mid-central position, as the a in about.
—noun One who or that which is neutral. [<L neutralis <neuter neuter]
—neu′tral·ly adverb
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