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Definition of: particle

(pärti·kəl) noun
1. A minute part, piece, or portion of matter.
2. Any very small amount or slight degree: without a particle of truth.
3. Physics One of the elementary components of an atom, as an electron, proton, neutron, meson, etc.
4. Gram. a A short, uninflected part of speech, as a preposition, an interjection, an article, and especially a conjunction, b A prefix or suffix. c A small part of a sentence or composition, as a clause.
5. In the Roman Catholic Church, the small Host used for lay communicants; also, a fragment of a consecrated Host. [<L particula, dim. of pars, partis a part] Synonyms: atom, element, grain, iota, jot, mite, molecule, scintilla, scrap, shred, tittle, whit. A particle is a very small part of any material substance; as, a particle of sand or dust; it is a general term, not accurately determinate in meaning. Atom etymologically signifies that which cannot be cut or divided, and was formerly considered the smallest conceivable particle of matter, regarded as absolutely homogeneous and as having but one set of properties. A molecule is made up of atoms, and is regarded as separable into its constituent parts. Element in chemistry denotes, without reference to quantity, a substance regarded as simple, that is, one incapable of being resolved into simpler substances without losing its specific physico–chemical properties; the element gold may be represented by an ingot or by a particle of gold dust. In popular language, an element is any essential constituent; the ancients believed that the universe was made up of the four elements, earth, air, fire, and water; a storm is spoken of as a manifestation of the fury of the elements. Compare synonyms for PART. Antonyms: aggregate, entirety, mass, quantity, sum, total, whole.

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Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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