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Definition of: storm

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(stôrm) noun
1. A disturbance of the atmosphere, generally a great whirling motion of the air, accompanied by rain, snow, etc.
2. In the Beaufort scale, a wind force of the 11th degree.
3. Figuratively, a furious flight or shower of objects, especially of missiles.
4. A violent outburst, as of passion or excitement: a storm of applause or rage.
5. Mil. A violent and rapid assault on a fortified place.
6. A violent commotion, as in politics, society, or domestic life.

1. To blow with violence; rain, snow, hail, etc., heavily: used impersonally: It stormed all day.
2. To be very angry; rage.
3. To move or rush with violence or rage: He stormed about the room.

4. Mil. To take or try to take by storm. [OE] Synonyms (noun): agitation, disturbance, tempest. A storm is properly a disturbance of the atmosphere, with or without rain, snow, hail, or thunder and lightning. Thus we have rainstorm, snowstorm, etc., and by extension, magnetic storm, etc. A tempest is a storm of extreme violence, always attended with some precipitation, as of rain, from the atmosphere. In the moral and figurative use tempest commonly implies greater intensity. We speak of agitation of feeling, disturbance of mind, a storm of passion, a tempest of rage. See WIND. Antonyms: calm, hush, peace, serenity, stillness, tranquillity.
Storm may appear as a combining form in hyphemes or solidemes, or as the first element in two–word phrases:

storm areastorm godstorm–rocked
storm–beatenstorm goddessstorm shutter
storm blaststorm guststorm–swept
storm–bodingstorm jacketstormtight
stormboundstorm lanestorm–tossed
storm cloudstorm pathstormwind
storm coatstorm–rentstorm–worn

Definition of: Storm

(shtôrm), Theodor Woldsen,
1817–88, German poet and novelist.

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"storm" has the frequency of use of 0.0067% on city-data.com forum

"storm" has the frequency of use of 0.0054% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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