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Definition of: phylactery

(fi·laktər·ē) noun plural ·ter·ies
1. A charm or amulet worn on the person; specifically, among the Jews, a strip or strips of cow-hide parchment inscribed with passages of Scripture (Ex. xiii 8–10, 11–16; Deut. vi 4–9, xi 13–22) and enclosed in a black calfskin case, having thongs for binding it on the forehead or around the left arm in memory of the early Israelitish history and of the duty to observe the law, or sometimes to serve as an amulet: also phyl·ac·te·ri·um (fil′ak·tirē·əm).
2. An inscribed scroll represented in medieval art as held in the hands, or issuing from the mouths, of angels.
3. A reminder. [<LL phylacterium <Gk. phylaktērion a safeguard <phylaktēr a guard <phylassein guard]

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Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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