Definition of: pool
l) noun
1. A collective stake in a gambling game.
2. A combination, generally formed to overcome the effects of excessive competition, whereby companies or corporations agree to fix rates or prices and divide the collective profits pro rata; also, any combination formed for a speculative operation, as in stocks or the like, or the common fund raised for that purpose.
3. Any of various games played on a six–pocket billiard table, in which the object is to drive balls numbered from 1 to 15 into the pockets.
4. A combining of efforts or resources, as for a purpose or the benefit of the contributors.
—v.t. To combine in a mutual fund or pool, as to satisfy a mutual need, finance an enterprise, etc.
—v.i. To form a pool. [<F poule a stake, orig. a hen <L pulla; infl. in form by POOL1]
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