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Definition of: Roland
(rō′lənd, Dan. rō′län, Fr. rô·lä′, Ger. rō′länt)
A masculine personal name. Also Du. Roe·land (r′länt), Ital., Sp. Ro·lan·do (rō·län′dō), Pg. Ro·lan·do (rō·lä
), Rol·dão (rōl·dou
′), Lat. Ro·lan·dus (rō·lan′dəs). [<Gmc., fame of the land]
Hero of the Anglo–Norman epic Chanson de Roland and of many other stories of the Charlemagne cycle. According to legend he was the nephew of Charlemagne, and a bulwark of Christianity against the Saracens, dying in battle at Roncesvalles in 788. He is known as Orlando in Italian romances concerning Charlemagne.
—a Roland for an Oliver Action taken in retaliation, or by way of matching something said or done by another; a tit for tat: in allusion to an indecisive battle between Roland and Oliver, his companion–in–arms.
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