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Definition of: sphere
Our photo definition of sphere
(sfir) noun
1. The surface described by a semicircle making one complete rotation on its diameter as a fixed axis; a globular figure enclosed by a surface, every point of which is equidistant from a point within called the center.
2. An approximately globular body; a globe; ball; orb.
3. One of the heavenly bodies; a planet, sun, or star.
4. The apparent outer dome of the heavens on which the heavenly bodies appear to lie.
5. In old astronomy, one of the concentric and transparent globes believed to revolve about the earth and carry the various heavenly bodies, their movement supposedly producing mysteriously beautiful music.
6. Compass or field of activity, endeavor, influence, etc.; range; scope; province.
7. Social rank or position.
—v.t. sphered, spher·ing
1. To place in or as in a sphere; encircle; encompass.
2. To set among the celestial spheres.
3. To make spherical. [<OF espere <L sphaera <Gk. sphaira a ball]
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