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Definition of: stupor
(st′pər, sty
′-) noun
1. A condition of the body in which the senses and faculties are suspended or greatly dulled, as by drugs or intoxicants.
2. Extreme intellectual or moral dulness; gross stupidity. [<L <stupere be stunned]
—stu′por·ous adjective Synonyms: apathy, asphyxia, coma, fainting, insensibility, lethargy, swoon, swooning, syncope, unconsciousness. The apathy of disease is a mental state of morbid indifference; lethargy is a morbid tendency to heavy and continued sleep, from which the patient may perhaps be momentarily aroused. Coma is a deep, abnormal sleep, from which the patient cannot be aroused, or is aroused only with difficulty, a state of profound insensibility perhaps with full pulse and deep, stertorous breathing, and is due to brain–oppression. Syncope or swooning is a sudden loss of sensation and of power of motion, with suspension of pulse and of respiration, and is due to failure of heart action, as from sudden nervous shock or intense mental emotion. Insensibility is a general term denoting loss of feeling from any cause, as from cold, intoxication, or injury. Stupor is especially profound and confirmed insensibility, properly comatose. Asphyxia is a special form of syncope resulting from partial or total suspension of respiration, as in strangulation or drowning. See STUPIDITY.
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