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Definition of: assize

(ə·sīz) noun
1. Originally, a session of a court.
2. plural a One of the regular sessions of the judges of a superior court for the trial of cases by jury in any county of England or Wales. b The time and place of such sessions.
3 a A judicial inquest. b The writ by which it is instituted. c An action to be decided by such an inquest.
4. In Scots law, a trial by jury; also, the jury.
5. A statute or ordinance, or a rule prescribed by law or authority, as for the regulation of weights and measures or prices of commodities, etc.
6. A standard of weight, measure, price, etc.
—grand assize
In early English law, a trial by a jury of 12 knights instead of a trial by combat.
(or last) assize
The Last Judgment.
[<OF as(s)ise <aseeir sit at, settle <L assidere. See ASSESS.]

Most often used phrases:

assize court
assize courts
assize sermon
manchester assize
assize roll
assize rolls
black assize
assize held
english assize
bloody assize
grand assize
assize records
short assize
assize judge
assize cases

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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