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Definition of: error

(erər) noun
1. The condition of erring, or going astray from the truth, especially in matters of opinion or belief; also, deviation from a right standard of judgment or conduct, as through ignorance or inadvertence; mistake.
2. Something done, said, or believed wrongly; a deviation from correctness or accuracy, or from truth.
3. Any misplay in baseball which prolongs the batsman's time at bat or permits a base runner to make one or more bases. Misplays, as a passed ball or a wild pitch, made by catcher or pitcher, are not scored as errors.
4. A violation or neglect of duty; transgression; sin.
5. Math, a The difference between the observed value of a magnitude and the true or mean value as determined by a series of measurements of the same quantity. b Any deviation from the true or mean value not due to gross blunders of observation and measurement.
6. In Christian Science, the contradiction of truth; a belief without understanding; that which seems and is not. [<OF <L <errare wander] Synonyms: balk, blunder, fallacy, falsity, fault, hallucination, mistake, omission, oversight, unsoundness. See DELUSION, FOIBLE.

Most often used phrases:

error message
error correction
human error
error rate
spelling error
error messages
pilot error
typographical error
error detection
factual error
standard error
common error
fatal error
clerical error
grammatical error

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Statistical data

"error" has the frequency of use of 0.0028% on city-data.com forum

"error" has the frequency of use of 0.0034% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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