Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Definition of: crush
(krush) v.t.
1. To press or squeeze out of shape; mash.
2. To smash or grind into fine fragments or particles.
3. To obtain or extract by pressure.
4. To press upon; crowd.
5. To rumple or press out of shape.
6. To put down; subdue; conquer.
7. Archaic To burden or oppress.
8. Rare To drink.
9. To become broken or misshapen by pressure. See synonyms under BREAK, CONQUER, JAM, REPRESS, SUBDUE.
1. A violent colliding; breaking, bruising, or deforming by violent pressure.
2. A pressing or crowding together; a crowd; jam.
3. Colloq. A sudden romantic attachment; infatuation. [<OF croissir break <Gmc.]
—crush′er noun