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Definition of: dark

(därk) adjective
1. Lacking light.
2. Of a deep shade; black, or approaching black.
3. Obscure; mysterious; not understandable.
4. Gloomy; disheartening.
5. Unenlightened.
6. Atrocious; dastardly; wicked.
7. Of brunette complexion.
8. Blind; unknowing.
9. Secretive; reticent.

1. Lack of light.
2. A place, position, or state where there is little or no light.
3. Night.
4. Obscurity; secrecy.
5. Ignorance: especially in the phrase in the dark.
6. A heavy shade or shadow in a drawing or painting.
v.t. & v.i. Obs. To make or become dark; darken.
[OE deorc] Synonyms (adj.): black, dim, dismal, dusky, gloomy, murky, mysterious, obscure, opaque, sable, shadowy, shady, somber, swart, swarthy. Strictly, that which is black is absolutely destitute of color; that which is dark is absolutely destitute of light. In common speech, however, a coat is black, though not optically colorless; the night is dark, though the stars shine. That is obscure, shadowy, or shady from which the light is more or less cut off. Dusky is applied to objects which appear as if viewed in fading light; the word is often used, as are swart and swarthy, of the human skin when quite dark, or even verging on black. Dim refers to imperfection of outline, from distance, darkness, mist, etc., or from some defect of vision. Opaque objects are impervious to light. Murky is said of that which is at once dark, obscure, and gloomy; as, a murky den; a murky sky. Figuratively, dark is emblematic of sadness, agreeing with somber, dismal, gloomy, also of moral evil: as, a dark deed. Of intellectual matters, dark is now rarely used in the old sense of a dark saying, etc. See MYSTERIOUS, OBSCURE. Antonyms: bright, brilliant, clear, crystalline, dazzling, gleaming, glowing, illumined, light, lucid, luminous, radiant, shining, transparent, white. Compare synonyms for LIGHT.

Most often used phrases:

dark brown
dark blue
dark side
dark green
dark matter
dark knight
dark grey
dark red
dark energy
dark age
dark shadows
dark gray
dark room
dark tower
dark lord

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Statistical data

"dark" has the frequency of use of 0.0089% on city-data.com forum

"dark" has the frequency of use of 0.0074% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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