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Definition of: intuition
(in′t·ish′ən, -ty
-) noun
1. Quick perception of truth without conscious attention or reasoning.
2. Knowledge from within; instinctive knowledge or feeling.
3. Philos. a An immediate knowledge, or envisagement, of an object, truth, or principle, whether of a physical, rational, artistic, or ethical nature: a conception derived by analogy from the act and result of clear and concentrated vision. b That which is known intuitively; truth obtained by internal apprehension without the aid of perception or the reasoning powers. See synonyms under KNOWLEDGE. [<Med. L intuitio, -onis <intuitus, pp. of intueri look upon. See INTUIT.]
—in′tu·i′tion·al adjective
—in′·tu·i′tion·al·ly adverb
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