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Definition of: mature
(mə·chr′, -t
r′, -ty
r′) adjective
1. Completely developed; perfectly ripe: mature grain; as applied to persons, fully developed in character and powers: a mature thinker.
2. Highly developed; approaching perfection.
3. Thoroughly elaborated or arranged; fully digested or considered; complete in detail: a mature scheme.
4. Due and payable; having reached its time limit: a mature bond.
5. Geol. Designating the maximum complexity and diversity of earth features, as achieved by the forces of erosion at full vigor; also, adjusted to local surroundings, as the course of a river. See synonyms under RIPE.
—v. ·tured, ·tur·ing v.t.
1. To cause to ripen or come to maturity; bring to full development.
2. To perfect; complete.
3. To come to maturity or full development; ripen.
4. To become due, as a note. [<L maturus of full age]
—ma·ture′ly adverb
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