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Definition of: mill

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(mil) noun
1. A machine by means of which grain is ground for food.
2. Any one of various kinds of machines that transform raw material by other processes than grinding: often in combination: a sawmill; planing mill.
3. A machine for reducing to small or smaller proportions hard substances of any kind.
4. A building fitted up with the machinery requisite for a factory: often in combination: powdermill.
5. A hardened steel roller, bearing a design in relief, by which a printing plate or a die may be made by pressure.
6. A milling cutter.
7. Slang A pugilistic combat; set–to.
8. A raised or ridged edge or surface made by milling.
9. A machine for crushing or grinding vegetable substances in order to express the juice.
—to go through the mill
To receive or undergo the experiences or hardships needed to acquire a certain degree of skill or wisdom.

1. To grind, shape, polish, roll, etc., in or with a mill.
2. To raise and indent the edge of (a coin).
3. To cause to move with a circular motion.
4. To beat or whip to a froth, as chocolate.
5. Slang To strike or thrash; beat.

6. To move slowly in a circle, as cattle.
7. Slang To fight or box. [OE myln, mylen <LL molina <L mola millstone]

Definition of: mill

(mil) noun
1. A thousandth part.
2. U.S. The thousandth part of a dollar, or the tenth part of a cent. [<L mille thousand]

Definition of: Mill

(mil), James,
1773–1836, Scottish historian, philosopher, and political economist.
—John Stuart,

1806–73, English philosopher; political economist; son of the preceding.

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"mill" has the frequency of use of 0.004% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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