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Definition of: overrun
(ō′vər·run′) v. ·ran, ·run, ·run·ning v.t.
1. To spread or swarm over, especially harmfully, as vermin or invaders do; ravage; invade; infest.
2. To run or flow over; overflow.
3. To spread rapidly across or throughout: said of fads, ideas, etc.
4. To run beyond; pass the limit of.
5. Printing a To shift (words, lines of type, etc.) from one line, page, or column to another. b To rearrange (matter) in this way.
6. Archaic To run faster than; outrun.
7. To run over; overflow.
8. To pass the usual or desired limit.
—noun (ō′vər·run′) An instance of overrunning; the amount or extent of overrunning.
overfear | overfrank | overgenerous | overgreediness | overhelpful | overidealistic | overinflate |
overfearful | overfraught | overgenial | overgreedy | overhigh | overidle | overinflation |
overfeatured | overfree | overgentle | overgrieve | overhold | overillustrate | overinfluential |
overfed | overfreedom | overgifted | overhandle | overholy | overimaginative | overinsistent |
overfeminine | overfreely | overglad | overhappy | overhomely | overimitate | overinsolent |
overfierce | overfrequency | overgloomy | overharass | overhonest | overimitative | overinstruct |
overflatten | overfrequent | overglorious | overharden | overhonor | overimpress | overinsure |
overflourish | overfrighten | overgoad | overhardy | overhope | overimpressible | overintellectual |
overfluent | overfruitful | overgodly | overharsh | overhot | overinclination | overintense |
overfond | overfull | overgracious | overhasty | overhotly | overinclined | overinterest |
overfondle | overfullness | overgrasping | overhate | overhuman | overindividualistic | overinventoried |
overfondness | overfunctioning | overgrateful | overhaughty | overhumanize | overindulge | overinvest |
overfoolish | overfurnish | overgratify | overheartily | overhurriedly | overindulgence | overirrigate |
overfoul | overgamble | overgraze | overhearty | overhysterical | overindulgent | overirrigation |
overfrail | overgeneralize | overgreasy | overheavy | overidealism | overindustrialize | overjealous |
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