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Definition of: type

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(tīp) noun
1. Something that represents or symbolizes something else; an image; emblem; symbol.
2. Theol. That by which something is prefigured.
3. An object representative of, or embodying the characteristics of, a class or group.
4. Biol. a The general plan of an organism, with special reference to those structural and physiological characteristics which make it representative of a group, species, class, etc. b An individual considered as representative of members of the next higher category in a biological system of classification: the type of a genus, family, order, etc.
5. A variety of some physiological substance as determined by specific differences in properties and in mode of action when compared with another variety of the same substance: a blood type.
6. Printing A piece or block of metal or of wood, bearing on its upper surface, usually in relief, a letter or character for use in printing; also, such pieces collectively. See AGATE, PICA, POINT SYSTEM.
7. A distinctive sign; stamp; mark.
8. A plan to which proposed work or action should conform, as in fine arts; a standard or model.
9. In coinage, the characteristic device on either side of a medal or coin. See synonyms under EMBLEM, EXAMPLE, LETTER, MODEL, SIGN.
v. typed, typ·ing v.t.

1. To assign to a particular type or role, as an actor.
2. To determine the type of; identify: to type a blood sample.
3. To typewrite.
4. To represent; typify.
5. To prefigure.

6. To typewrite. [<MF <L typus <Gk. typos an impression, figure, type <typtein strike]

Definition of: type

1. Representative form; stamp; type: prototype.
2. Used in or produced by printing, photography, or other duplicating processes, or by type: Linotype, collotype. [<Gk. typos stamp]

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Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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