Definition of: super
(s′pər) noun Slang
Shortened form of SUPERNUMERARY (def. 2).
Definition of: super
(s′pər) noun
1. An article of superior size or quality; also, such size or quality.
2. In bookbinding, a thin, starched cotton fabric used in reinforcement.
1. Slang First–rate; superfine.
2. Showing excessive loyalty: a super American.
—v.t. To reinforce (a book) with super. [Short for SUPERIOR, SUPERFINE, etc.]
Definition of: super
1. Above in position; over: superstructure, superimpose.
2. Anat. & Zool. Situated above, or on the dorsal side of: superorbital.
3. Above or beyond; more than: supersonic, supersensible.
4. Excessively: supersaturate.
5. Med. Exceeding the normal: superacidity.
6. Chem. Denoting a high proportion of the ingredient indicated (now superseded by PER–, BI–): superphosphate.
7. Surpassing in power or size all others of its class: superhighway, supermarket. In this sense the prefix is sometimes doubled to intensify the degree of superiority: a supe–supernavy a navy far superior to any other.
8. Extra; additional: supertax. [<L super- <super above, beyond]
In the following list of words super– denotes excess or superiority, as supercritical excessively critical, superexcellence superior excellence.
superabhor | superbold |
superabominable | superbrave |
superabsurd | superbusy |
superaccession | supercandid |
superaccommodating | supercapable |
superaccomplished | supercatastrophe |
superaccumulate | supercatholic |
superachievement | supercaution |
superacquisition | superceremonious |
superacute | superchivalrous |
superadaptable | supercivil |
superadequate | supercivilized |
superadmiration | superclassified |
superadorn | supercolossal |
superaffluence | supercombination |
superagency | supercommendation |
superaggravation | supercommercial |
superagitation | supercompetition |
superambitious | supercomplex |
superangelic | supercomprehension |
superappreciation | supercompression |
superarbitrary | superconfident |
superarduous | superconformist |
superarrogant | superconformity |
superaspiration | superconfusion |
superastonish | supercongestion |
superattachment | superconservative |
superattraction | supercontrol |
superattractive | supercordial |
superbelief | supercritic |
superbeloved | supercritical |
superbenefit | supercultivated |
superbenevolent | supercurious |
superbenign | supercynical |
superbias | superdainty |
superblessed | superdanger |
superblunder | superdeclamatory |
superdeficit | superinjustice |
superdejection | superinquisitive |
superdelicate | superinsistent |
superdemand | superintellectual |
superdemonic | superintolerable |
superdesirous | superjurisdiction |
superdevelopment | superjustification |
superdevilish | superknowledge |
superdevotion | superlaborious |
superdiabolical | superlenient |
superdifficult | superlie |
superdiplomacy | superlogical |
superdistribution | superloyal |
superdividend | superlucky |
superdonation | superluxurious |
supereconomy | supermagnificently |
supereffective | supermanhood |
supereffluence | supermarvelous |
superelastic | supermasculine |
superelated | supermechanical |
superelegance | supermediocre |
supereligible | supermental |
supereloquent | supermentality |
superemphasis | supermetropolitan |
superendorsement | supermishap |
superendow | supermodest |
superenforcement | supermoisten |
superenrolment | supermorose |
superestablishment | supermundane |
superesthetic | supermystery |
superethical | supernecessity |
superevident | supernegligent |
superexacting | supernotable |
superexalt | supernumerous |
superexaltation | superobedience |
superexcellence | superobese |
superexcellent | superobjectionable |
superexcitation | superobligation |
superexcited | superobstinate |
superexcitement | superoffensive |
superexiguity | superofficious |
superexpansion | superofficiousness |
superexpectation | superopposition |
superexpenditure | superoratorical |
superexpressive | superordinary |
superexquisiteness | superorganize |
superextension | superornamental |
superfecundity | superoutput |
superfeminine | superpatient |
superfervent | superpatriotic |
superfoliation | superpatriotism |
superfolly | superperfection |
superformal | superpious |
superformation | superplease |
superformidable | superpolite |
superfriendly | superpositive |
superfructified | superpraise |
superfulfilment | superprecise |
supergaiety | superpreparation |
supergallant | superproduce |
supergenerosity | superprosperous |
superglorious | superpublicity |
supergoodness | superpure |
supergovernment | superpurgation |
supergratification | superradical |
supergravitation | superrational |
superhandsome | superrefined |
superhearty | superreform |
superhero | superreliance |
superheroic | superremuneration |
superhistorical | superrespectable |
superhypocrite | superresponsible |
superideal | superrestriction |
superignorant | superreward |
superillustrate | superrighteous |
superimpending | superromantic |
superimpersonal | supersacrifice |
superimportant | supersafe |
superimprobable | supersagacious |
superimproved | supersanguine |
superincentive | supersarcastic |
superinclination | supersatisfaction |
superinclusive | superscholarly |
superincomprehensible | superscientific |
superindependent | supersensitive |
superindifference | supersensitiveness |
superindignant | supersensuousness |
superindividualism | supersentimental |
superindividualist | superserious |
superindulgence | supersevere |
superindustrious | supersignificant |
superinference | supersimplify |
superinfinite | supersmart |
superinfirmity | supersolemn |
superinfluence | supersolemnly |
superingenious | supersolicitation |
superinitiative | superspecialize |
superspiritual | supertoleration |
superspirituality | supertragic |
superstimulation | supertrivial |
superstoical | superugly |
superstrain | superunity |
superstrenuous | superurgent |
superstrict | supervexation |
superstrong | supervigilant |
superstylish | supervigorous |
supersufficient | supervirulent |
supersurprise | supervital |
supersweet | superwise |
supertension | superworldly |
superthankful | superwrought |
superthorough | superzealous |
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