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Definition of: swing

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(swing) v. swung (Dial. swang), swung, swing·ing v.i.
1. To move to and fro or backward and forward rhythmically, as something suspended; oscillate.
2. To move in a swing (def. 3).
3. To move with an even, swaying motion; walk with vigorous strides.
4. To turn; pivot: We swung around and went home.
5. To be suspended; hang.
6. Colloq. To be executed by hanging.
7. Slang To be very up-to-date and sophisticated, especially in one's amusements and pleasures.
8. Colloq. To sing or play with or to have a compelling, usually jazzlike rhythm.
9. Slang To be sexually promiscuous.

10. To cause to move to and fro or backward and forward.
11. To cause to move with a sweeping or circular motion, as a sword, ax, etc.; brandish; flourish.
12. To cause to turn on or as on a pivot or central point.
13. To lift or hoist: They swung the mast into place.
14. Colloq. To bring to a successful conclusion; manage successfully.
15. Colloq. To arrange, sing, or play in the style of swing music.

1. The action of swinging.
2. A free swaying motion.
3. A contrivance of hanging ropes with a seat on which a person may move to and fro through the air as a pastime.
4. Free course or scope; full liberty or license.
5. Compass; sweep.
6. The movement or rhythm characterizing certain styles of prose and poetry.
7. That which swings or is swung; a swinging blow or stroke.
8. The course of a career or period of activity.
9. Swing music.
10. Colloq. A trip or tour. [OE swingan scourge, beat up]

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Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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