(flôr′əns, flor′-; Fr. flô·rä
A feminine personal name. Also Dan., Ger., Sw. Flo·renz (flô·rents′), Du. Flo·ren·ti·a (flô·ren′tsē·ä), Sp. Flo·ren·cia (flō·ren′thyä). [<L, blooming]
Florence flask
1. A round or pear-shaped bottle of thin glass in which liquids are heated.
2. A straw-covered glass flask in which olive oil or wine is imported from Italy.
flor·en·tine (flôr′ən·tēn, -tīn, flor′-) noun
A stout and durable kind of silk dress goods.
Flor·en·tine (flôr′ən·tēn, -tīn, flor′-) adjective
Of or pertaining to the city of Florence, Italy.
—noun An inhabitant or native of Florence.
Flo·res (flō′res)
1. One of the Lesser Sunda Islands, east of Sumbawa; 6,000 square miles.
2. (flō′rish) An island in the western Azores; 57 square miles.
flo·res·cence (flô·res′əns, flō-) noun Bot.
1. The state of being in blossom.
2. Inflorescence. For illustrations see INFLORESCENCE. [<NL florescentia <L florescere, inceptive of florere bloom]
—flo·res′cent adjective
Flo·res Sea (flō′res)
A part of the Indian Ocean between Sulawesi and the Lesser Sunda Islands.
flo·ret (flôr′it, flō′rit) noun
1. A little flower.
2. Bot. One of the small individual flowers that make up a cluster or head, as in sunflowers, dandelions, etc., of the composite family.
3. A silk yarn or floss. [<OF florete, dim. of flor a flower <L flos, floris]
Flo·rey (flôr′ē, flō′rē), Sir Howard Walter,
1898–1968, British pathologist born in Australia.
Florey unit
The Oxford unit.
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