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Definition of: rake

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(rāk) noun
A toothed implement for drawing together loose material, or making a surface loose.
v. raked, rak·ing v.t.

1. To scrape or gather together with or as with a rake.
2. To smooth, clean, or prepare with a rake: to rake a lawn.
3. To gather by diligent effort; scrape together.
4. To search or examine carefully.
5. To direct heavy gunfire along the length of, as a ship or column of troops; enfilade.

6. To use a rake.
7. To scrape or pass roughly or violently: with across, over, etc.
8. To make a search.
—to rake in
Colloq. To earn or acquire (money, etc.) in large quantities.
[OE raca]

a. Refuse.
b. Clam.
c. Garden.
d. Steel lawn.
e. Broom lawn.

Definition of: rake

(rāk) v. raked, rak·ing v.i.
To lean from the perpendicular, as a ship's masts.
v.t. To cause to lean; incline.
noun Inclination from the perpendicular or horizontal, as of the sustaining surfaces of an airplane, or the edge of a cutting tool.
[Origin uncertain. Cf. G ragen project.]

Definition of: rake

(rāk) noun
A dissolute, lewd person; debauchee.
v.i. raked, rak·ing To play the rake; live a lewd, dissolute life: with it.
[Short for RAKEHELL]

Definition of: rake

(rāk) v.i. raked, rak·ing
1. To hunt with the nose to the ground, thus following by track rather than by wind: said of hunting dogs.
2. To fly after game: said of hawks; also, to fly wide of the game. [OE racian go forward, proceed]

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Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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