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Definition of: quarter
Our photo definition of quarter
(kwôr′tər) noun
1. One of four equal parts into which anything is or may be divided; a fourth part; specifically, the fourth of a hundredweight; eight bushels; a fourth of a ton (of grain); the fourth of a yard, or a span; a fourth of a pound; a fourth of a mile; fifteen minutes or the fourth of an hour, or the moment with which it begins or ends.
2. A fourth of a year or three months; hence, a term of school.
3. A limb of a quadruped with the adjacent parts; also, a haunch of venison.
4. In the United States and Canada, a coin of the value of 25 cents.
5. Astron. Either of two phases of the moon: the first quarter, between the new and full moon; or the last quarter, between the full moon and the new.
6. Music A quarter note.
7. Nav. One of the four principal points of the compass or divisions of the horizon; also, a point or direction of the compass.
8. The place, origin, or source from which anything comes.
9. A particular division or district; a locality.
10. Usually plural Proper or assigned station, position, or place, as of officers and crew on a warship.
11. plural A place of lodging or residence, especially temporary shelter; specifically, a group of cabins provided for the Negroes on a Southern plantation.
12. A region embracing one fourth, or about one fourth, of a space; one of four corresponding localities or parts.
13. The side of a horse's hoof, just in front of the heel; also that part of a boot or shoe from the middle of the heel to the line of the ankle bone.
14. Naut. a The upper part of a vessel's side from the after part of the main chains to the stern. b That part of a yard outside the slings.
15. Her. Any of four equal divisions into which a shield is divided, or an ordinary occupying such a division.
16. Mercy shown to a vanquished foeman by sparing his life; clemency.
17. One of the four periods into which a game, as football, is divided.
—at close quarters Close by; at close range.
1. Being one of four equal parts.
2. Having one fourth of a standard value.
1. To divide into four equal parts.
2. To divide into a number of parts or pieces.
3. To cut the body of (an executed person) into four parts: He was hanged, drawn, and quartered.
4. To range from one side to the other of (a field, etc.) while advancing: The dogs quartered the field.
5. To furnish with quarters or shelter; lodge, station, or billet.
6. Her. a To divide (a shield) into quarters by vertical and horizontal lines. b To bear or arrange (different coats of arms) quarterly upon a shield or escutcheon.
7. Mech. To mark or place at intervals of a quarter, especially of a quarter of a circle.
8. To be stationed or lodged.
9. To range from side to side of an area, as dogs in hunting.
10. Naut. To blow on a ship's quarter: said of the wind. [<OF <L quartarius <quartus fourth]
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